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Spartan-Xl Сквозная Сапр

Чт янв 21, 2016 09:13:52

ПЛИС Spartan-XL. У меня стоит Xilinx ISE 9.2. На нём отработал код. Отработал код, естественно, для другого девайса, т.к. этого нет в списке поддерживаемых. Теперь вот хочу синтезировать и разместить в кристалле, а делее прошить. Нашёл старые версии в рутрекере simplify 8.4, 7.6, xilinx Foundation ISE 4.2, 3.1- всё не хочет работать- у всех таблетки ни к чёрту. Не подскажете ,какую и где можно надыбать нормальную САПР для него? Заранее благодарен!
ПС: зашёл на xilinx.com- там , оказывается, есть у них архив со всеми версиями FREE для поддержки старых девайсов, но надо зарегиться- вроде зарегился (как русскому нельзя- сразу орёт, зарегился как поляк с польскими телеофнами и индексами :)) )- пишет техническая ошибка уже 2й день, админам ихним написал- пока не отвечают 2 дня. может у кого есть там аккаунт? не поделитесь?)

Re: Spartan-Xl Сквозная Сапр

Пт янв 22, 2016 14:36:46

Ссылку что ли покажите на «архив со всеми версиями FREE для поддержки старых девайсов»...

UPD: скачалось 150Мб ISE 4.2i по ссылке http://www.xilinx.com/webpack/classics/ ... /index.htm — оно?

СпойлерISE Classic - Spartan and XC4000 Series Software
Related Links

ISE Classics Product Support

The Spartan™ and XC4000 series FPGA device family software support is considered stable and mature. The device support has been decoupled from the current ISE™ software to maintain this integrity.

New or existing designs targeting the Spartan, Spartan-XL, and XC4000 series device families can continue to use this software indefinitely.
Download Available

Spartan and XC4000 series device family software (112.33 KB) — ISE 4.2i Service Pack 3 level of support.

Devices Supported

Spartan, Spartan XL - All
XC4000E, EX, L, XL, XLA - All

Design Entry
Unlike the ISE WebPACK, third party tools are required to accomplish design entry using this download.

Synthesis can be accomplished by using Synopsys FPGA Compiler-II, Synplicity Synplify, or Mentor Graphics LeonardoSpectrum™. The Spartan and XC4000 series device families were never supported by Xilinx Synthesis Technology.

The following Xilinx design entry tools can be used with LeonardoSpectrum™ as part of an integrated design flow:

Xilinx ECS schematic editor
Xilinx HDL Editor
Xilinx StateCAD state diagram editor
Xilinx Core Generator System for only the supported devices listed above.

Schematic capture can be accomplished with any tool that will produce an EDIF netlist for the Spartan or XC4000 series devices.
Implementation Features (ISE 4.2i)

Xilinx Constraints Editor
Timing Driven Place and Route
iMPACT Programing Tool
FPGA Editor

Board Level Integration

IBIS and STAMP Models

Platform Support

Windows 98 SE, NT 4.0 (with Service Pack 4-6a), ME, 2000
Japanese Windows 98, NT, 2000
Chinese Windows 98
Korean Windows 98

Выдержка из http://www.fpga-faq.com/FAQ_Pages/0009_ ... rsions.htm
СпойлерThe basic software for epoch 3.1 (1996 through 2002) supported the XC4000E
XC4000EX, XC4000XL, XC4000XLA, Spartan, Virtex. OS support was for Windows
95/98/ME/2000 and Solaris 2.5/2.6.

Product Name: (Known informally as "M1", came in a few configurations)
ISE (Integrated Software Environment)
ISE WebPack (Free, device limited version of above software)
FND (Foundation)
ALI (Alliance)

Function Program Name

Design Manager Design Manager/Flow Engine
Build Manager XFlow
Place and Route PAR
Chip Editor FPGA_Editor
Static Timing analysis TRCE (trace)
Netlist format XNF and EDIF
Physical database format NCD
Bitstream generator bitgen
IP Generation Program LogiBlox / Coregen
Download cable manager Hardware Debugger (hwdebugr)
Schematic Entry Viewdraw
Cadence Concept
Mentor Design Architect
Simulation Viewsim
Synthesis Abel
Verilog (multiple vendors)
VHDL (multiple vendors)

The first versions of this software required FLEXLM licensing similar
to that of previous versions. Versions after 1.4 no longer needed
FLEXLM licensing however instead required a registration ID supplied
from Xilinx to install the software. There is no time-out and once
installed, the software should continue working indefinitely.

Third party software may require additional keys, depending on vendor.

Software distribution is on CD

ISE 4.2i is still available from the ISE Classics webpage:
http://www.xilinx.com/webpack/classics/ ... /index.htm

This version of software does not include a synthesis tool. If re-synthesis
is needed, most 3rd party synthesis vendors still support these older

The following products were last supported in ISE 4.2i:

XC4000EX, XC4000XL, XC4000XLA, XC4000XV
Spartan, Spartan-XL

Third party software may required a security keys, depending on vendor.

Software distribution is on CD